by | Apr 30, 2013 | Food, Writing
Vats of Gelato. Gallons of Gelato. Entire Storefronts of Gelato. When I travel, I don’t wear socks with sandals or bright colors sneakers or Chico’s ensembles. I don’t want to look like an American, I want to blend in. I like to look the part when I travel. Yet,...
by | Apr 29, 2013 | Food, Writing
Never judge a restaurant by its appearance. I single handedly ate my way through most of Italy and during my gastronomic journey I discovered that oftentimes the best meals were at the sketchiest looking restaurants. Sure, dining on the rooftop of the Danieli Hotel is...
by | Apr 28, 2013 | Random Musings, Writing
My favorite thing to do when I vist the Vatican is nun watch. But after my college roommate waited 45 minutes while I pretended I was Maria in The Sound of Music, she was ready to do something a bit more…cultural. So we went to the Vatican museum. I thought it...
by | Apr 26, 2013 | Chick Stuff, Plays, Random Musings, The Affair, Writing
Rome-Bologna-Budrio-Venice-Perugia. Just home after a delicious Italian working vacation, the jet lag is officially coursing through my body, replacing the fresh pasta and local vino I have been wining and dining on for the last three weeks. As I stare at my computer...
by | Apr 11, 2013 | Chick Stuff, Food, The Affair, Writing
There is an inordinate amount of wine at book clubs. In fact, I have yet to go to a book club where there aren’t at least half a dozen open bottles of vino beckoning to me. The wine bar is the Book Club’s version of an oasis and instead of a dehydrated man...
by | Apr 10, 2013 | Books, The Affair, Writing
An avid reader, I have always loved being a member of a book club; however, I never manage to stay in them very long. Truthfully, I have been kicked out of several book clubs. This isn’t because I don’t read the books…I ALWAYS read the books. In...