The girl who is popular… with dogs

Today, I was walking my dogs and we met a heavyset teen whose entire face lit up when she saw my greyhounds. Our morning route is near a high school and I often pass this girl whose solitary journey to school makes her stand out among the groups of teens in front of...


For the last three years, I’ve spent most of my time at my computer writing. I got used to the solitude and became one of “those women” who wears yoga pants every day but does not do yoga. Oye. Once upon a time, I directed commercials. It was a...

When I’m angry, I paint

I started painting in ’96. I had just lost the lead in a play to a spectacularly untalented actress whom the director was screwing. It was a huge loss of illusion for someone who genuinely thought the magical world of theatre was a meritocracy.  I was...