Bridesmaid #3… the power of women!

Bridesmaid #3 started as a short play which had a successful run in New York. A talented group of women got together and asked me if I would adapt it into a film, which I did and… voila – Bridesmaid #3 the film (you can see the trailer here). It was...

The beauty of accent walls

I’ve never been a fan of four white walls. I know it stems from some deep psychological issue from my childhood; however, I find four white walls boring. Thus, I am a big fan of the accent wall. Designers fall into two opposing camps as far as accent walls are...

The little scrabble man hates me

I’m a Scrabble addict. Growing up, I would literally beg people to play with me… now, with the advent of Facebook Scrabble I have more games than I can handle. And I have a small square faced cartoon at the bottom of my screen, who judges me. Relentlessly....